Why You Should Choose Eco-Friendly Pest Control

Insects and wildlife can be major issues in Raleigh, NC, and the surrounding areas. Spring and summer are the most problematic times of the year, but even fall and winter bring out certain types of pests. They can destroy flower beds, dig up gardens, steal crops, and make a mess of the yard. Some of them are even known to tear up homes and businesses. Several pest control options are available at present, many of which provide effective remedies for all the trouble those creatures can cause. Having said that, many of those products can cause problems of their own.

Saving the Environment While Getting Rid of the Pests

At Sustainable Pest Systems, we specialize in providing environmentally safe pest control solutions. We’ve built a reputation for helping home and business owners in Raleigh, NC, keep their properties safe from pests. Our award-winning service and eco-friendly techniques are designed to get rid of the problem while still preserving the planet for future generations.

Reasons to Choose Eco-Friendly Pest Control over Other Options

One of the main and most obvious reasons to choose eco-friendly pest control over the harsh, chemical-laden alternatives is that they’re better for the environment. Pesticides can inundate the air and contaminate water supplies, making them unsafe. From there, they can damage the ecosystems that keep the planet in balance. That’s only one problem with conventional pesticides.

  • No Noxious Smell

Traditional pesticides have a distinct odor. Even being near them can turn your stomach and cause you to cough and wheeze. Pesticides that are safe for the environment are made from natural ingredients and low-impact chemicals. That means they don’t leave behind the same noxious odors as their more hazardous counterparts. They’re no less effective, but they’re much less offensive.

  • Safer for Pets

Some pets instinctively know to steer clear when they smell pesticides. Others don’t seem to have that ingrained understanding. They smell a foreign substance in your home or on the ground and eagerly go for a taste. At the same time, pets can inadvertently chew on items around the house that have been saturated with poisonous pesticides. All this can lead to numerous health risks for your pets.

  • No Health Risks

Ongoing exposure to chemical pesticides has been linked to a wide range of health issues. From a short-term perspective, those pesticides can cause sinus inflammation, respiratory issues, nausea, and skin and eye irritation to name a few problems. In the long-term, they can cause birth defects and nervous system disorders while increasing the risk of developing certain types of cancer. That’s not the case with eco-friendly pesticides and other pest control solutions.

In addition to those benefits, eco-friendly pest remedies don’t cause the same types of destruction as harsh, toxic pesticides. Poisons can damage some plants and kill helpful insects in the process of eliminating the problematic ones. On top of that, some pests can become immune to certain pesticides over a few generations. When natural products are used to take care of pest invasions, though, effectiveness doesn’t wane over time.

How Does Environmentally Friendly Pest Control Work?

Several eco-friendly pest control products and methods are available. Some of the most popular are based on herbs, spices, and essential oils that are known to repel insects. These can include cayenne pepper, peppermint, cinnamon, and basil, though there are numerous other natural pest repellents. It’s important to use these correctly to ensure optimal effectiveness.

Another environmentally friendly way to keep some pests at bay is to introduce beneficial insects into your garden or flower beds. Some insects, such as ladybugs, won’t damage your plants, but they’ll ward off other types of insects that are notorious for causing destruction. You could also place companion or insectary plants in strategic areas. They’ll attract pollinators and other beneficial insects while discouraging the true pests you want to keep off your property.

Protect Your Property and the Environment

Though you’ll find any number of insect and animal control products on the market, not all of them are beneficial. Some offer little effectiveness whereas others can do as much harm as good. It’s possible to avoid both those problems and many others by using environmentally friendly pest control solutions.

Not all companies offer those options as part of their services, though. If you’re looking for a way to get rid of unwanted invaders without all the hazards and health risks that come with conventional pesticides, eco-friendly pest control is the way to go. It’s also becoming more widely available to home and business owners as concerns over the environment continue to grow.


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